Comcare User-experience research - review of the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 Want to have your say to researchers about the Comcare scheme?
Comcare Have your say: submissions open for the review of the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988. The following is a verbatim transcript of an email sent by the SRC Act review panel.
Cryptocurrency Cryptocurrency Nodes I have decided to open up a few privacy preserving public crypto nodes accessible over the Tor network, starting with Bitcoin & Monero.
ATO Frank and Fear[less] This is not part 2, this is a reflection of the behaviour I am observing since the release of part 1.
ATO ATO HR uses false allegations of "sexual harassment" as a tool to try remove employees from the Org In 2019 Nardine McLoughlin was a Director of HR at the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).
Comcare The review into the Comcare scheme (SRC Act 1988) has commenced! If you have issues with the Comcare scheme now is the time to raise them!
Comcare Foxtrot@Bravo is not a platform of harassment or hate I got forwarded an email recently, I cracked a slight smile upon reading it.
Free Speech eSafety Commissioner, the Australian Government, and the massive own goal I don't think our politicians have thought this through...
Comcare Radio silence, did you notice? Comcare didn't! You may have noticed I have been quiet lately, not really posting any articles, there is a reason for it.
Technology Running UniFi Network Server Application v9 + MongoDB v7 on a Raspberry Pi 4 (ARMv8-a) A tutorial to run the v9.0.108 UniFi Network Application using the latest MongoDB v7.0.14 on low power ARMv8-a devices such as the Raspberry Pi 4.
Comcare Comcare hires employees who do not understand how consent works [Part 2] I received a response from Comcare regarding their lack of understanding how consent works.
Comcare Comcare hires employees who do not understand how consent works [Part 1] This is a true story about Comcare forcing consent, which shows the disgusting culture breeding within Comcare.
Free Speech Misinformation and Disinformation Bill (A.K.A Government Censorship Act 1984) If you haven't heard, the Australian Government is making a push to legislate the ability to control what you read online.
Comcare The curious case of the missing email, and the fishing expedition Comcare has great difficulty finding and supplying one single email, and is currently conducting a taxpayer funded fishing expedition.
Comcare Doctor Shopping is alive and well at Comcare Doctor shopping is the practice of going around to different doctors "shopping" for one who will provide a preferable opinion.
Comcare More lawbreaking by Comcare (and a WHS fail) I believe that Comcare employees are getting upset, and are abusing their role at Comcare to instruct others to take adverse actions against me.
Comcare Comcare doesn't have a functioning reception desk at its registered office, and public access is completely cut off Turns out that despite listing a reception area on its website, Comcare does not have a reception area any more. It seems that Comcare is treating people so badly that they are afraid to post an officer to a reception desk.
Comcare Comcare tried to use ACT Policing as their very own thought police! Comcare employees use the police as their own personal censorship police when they get hurt feelings.
Free Speech The internet cannot be truly censored Today it happened, I am not shocked, nor am I surprised, I knew full well this was coming, which is exactly why I built my own blog server.
Comcare Comcare is pissing your (taxpayer) money up the wall Comcare has paid the law firm Clayton Utz, to tell me what I already told Comcare for free last year.
Comcare Comcare thinks it's above the law. Egregious assaults on our privacy rights, lawbreaking! Comcare doesn’t seem to have gotten the memo that in Australia, the people in this country have a right to privacy.
Comcare A win for the people! Comcare statutory time frames now exist (from 1 April ‘24) I received an email today. Those who have been following me, particularly
Comcare Comcare and refusal to adhere to S59 Section 59 (S59) of the Safety Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 allows for someone who makes a claim to Comcare, to receive any document relevant to their claim.
Comcare Vesna Vasic (Alizzi) — The Potential Government Offender? & the Taxpayer Funded Legal Threat Take note of this face, this is potentially the face of a government offender, I will expand on why I think Vesna could be the offender who uses the title “Position No. 01 076” below.
Comcare Comcare is abusing the Australian Privacy Principles and obtaining consent involuntary/illegally In this article I am going to show you why it is clear that in Australia, the Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles contained within, are optional legislation that can be safely ignored.
Comcare Are you a Comcare whistleblower? Work for Comcare? An ex-employee of Comcare? Have a poorly managed claim or know of any bad behaviour that has been occurring at Comcare and you would like to let me know?
Comcare Gallagher Bassett, not worth the money to the taxpayer (in my opinion) Total incompetence displayed by the insurance company Gallagher Bassett as they are contracted to manage my Comcare claim.