Comcare tried to use ACT Policing as their very own thought police!
Comcare employees use the police as their own personal censorship police when they get hurt feelings.

In George Orwell's 1984, there exists a special type of police called "The Thought Police". The role of the thought police in Orwell's novel, is to police citizens who commit thoughtcrimes, namely, thinking, writing or doing anything that tarnishes the reputation of the totalitarian government regime.
As you have no doubt seen from my other posts, Comcare has been engaged in numerous breaches of the law when dealing with my claim. One such, is hiding the identity of government employee/s who are allegedly using delegated powers to make decisions on my claim. I suggest this is to evade being held accountable for the lawbreaking that I say is occurring.
One thing that has particularly triggered Catherine Chan, Liz Bell and Greg Vines, is my post that you may find here (Vesna Vasic (Alizzi) — The Potential Government Offender? & the Taxpayer Funded Legal Threat).
This post for whatever reason (most probably because it is identifying the employee they are asking to break the law under the cover of anonymity) has really triggered the Comcare employees above whom I have named.
So much so, that Greg Vines (CEO of Comcare) wrote to me and, in part, stated the following
Comcare has on several occasions expressed concern with the manner in which you are communicating with staff through correspondence and online. I note that you have not ceased your communications and that indeed you have become more targeted and abusive. Your actions have now escalated into what I consider to be intimidation and harassment of Comcare staff, and I cannot tolerate risking the health and safety of my colleagues. As such I have referred you and your actions to the ACT Police.
Should you again send emails from an address that is not the registered email address on your claim directly to Comcare employees during the service restriction, Comcare will refer those emails to the ACT Police and the eSafety Commission for their attention and consideration in their investigation.
Finally, Comcare will also refer all social media and other internet posts that target Comcare employees to ACT Police for consideration in their investigation.
The author of the letter is someone named Jaz Bradley, whom I can only assume is an EA for the CEO Greg Vines? This would seem most likely. I would suggest enquiries of corruption (Comcare using police resources for their own vendetta against me) should start with this individual.

Comcare is clearly trying to use the police to intimidate me into silence, but I am not doing anything wrong, therefore I am not intimidated. I am also not entirely convinced that the letter was written by Greg Vines. I suspect the letter was wrote by the Statutory Oversight team, and signed by the CEO's office. This has all the trademarks of the 2 ladies in the Statutory Oversight team who I say have a vendetta against me.
Everything I have ever publicly wrote about Comcare is either here on this blog or on I had to move everything off onto here, because eSafetey has (I would suggest/assume) taught Comcare how to lodge reports to and get posts taken down now, government censorship 101, which was uncovered by 'the twitter files'. This has in turn reminded me exactly why I need to invest into campaigning against the Misinformation Bill. This also forced me to learn new skills (doing Sass, Handlebars and nodejs things), and I now have more control to have this content indexed by Google how I want it to be indexed, and therefore get better exposure to the public. If anything, Comcare has helped my cause significantly. The intent was clearly to censor me, but the opposite is now occurring, my words are going to reach further, faster, and there is no third party they can go to and make a complaint to have my post/s removed. I am my own, send all complaints to contact where they can be actioned with the same level of service my complaints to Comcare receive, so basically they will go straight to the bin, or I will just reply with absolute nonsense as the response, and then ignore any subsequent emails. The two tactics Comcare performs against me when I make complaints.
The above named Comcare employees, I believe are abusing their authority and trying to cause problems for me, instead of working with me to resolve things. In some cases, either themselves directly, or conspiring with others who are withholding their identity, they are going on to break the law in their efforts to target me, because I hurt their feelings in email or something like this? I will again stress that I have never threatened to harm any of these people, or any Comcare staff for that matter, they seem to be inventing things that are not happening in an attempt to justify their abuses of power, but there is no justification for it. These people are abusing their authority and that is all about it. They should feel shame for being such low quality humans where they need to talk lies about me to the police just to send them to my home and try and scare me into removing my internet posts. It is just wrong what has happened, the police are not a tool to be used by Comcare because they have upset feelings.
These above named Comcare employees have become completely fixated on me, so much so that they have all my emails diverted to them, and if I dare use a different email address because I don't want them reading all my emails, they refer me to ACT Policing and/or the eSafety Commissioner. Make no mistake about it, these people (if you can call them that) are very obviously on a taxpayer funded agenda against me, and so I will complain about it online, and if they cannot handle me making complaints about them online then perhaps instead of sending the police to my house, they should find a better way to resolve the situation? Everything I am saying is true, I do not make lies here.
The very next day, I dunno, around 10:30ish? My dog starts going absolutely berserk. Something is agitating him, and he is a proper fiercely territorial German Shepherd. He has little tolerance for strangers, and is the same breed of dog that the police use to subdue offenders. Already one time he bit someone on the leg, so I need to not let that happen a second time. I go have a look to find 2x police officers standing outside my home. Ok, I obviously know why the police are here, I secure my dog so he doesn't try and attack them, and I go out front to talk to them.
I will say up front, I have no problems with ACT Policing, I have no criminal record, I am not known to them as an offender or anything like this, they have always been fair to me and this was no exception. I have no complaints whatsoever regarding the conduct of the officers who attended my home. My complaint is about them being sent to my house vexatiously for a non issue, by Comcare staff, simply because I hurt their feelings.
This is a transcript of the conversation as I can recall it
Police: Are you [my name]?
Me: Yea
Police: Are you writing blog things on the internet?
Me: … (I am remaining silent at this point as I don’t feel like it is any of their business what I do or do not write on the internet, this is the thought police coming to visit me or what? I dare speak about government employees so the thought police want to come visit me?)
Police: I'm not conducting a criminal investigation; I'm just trying to work out what is going on here. You have a tax issue or something with Comcare?
Me: Yea something like that.
Police: And you said you were going to go in and see them?
Me: Probably, maybe? If they block me from calling or emailing them, you tell me, is there some other way that I’m going to get my issues resolved? (Actually I think it was in August ’23 I said I would go in and see them… So like 4 months earlier… delayed response or what? Probably it took them 4 months to read my email or something?)
Police: Yea.... that's a fair point. But to be clear, you didn't threaten them or anything like that right?
Me: No, when I am allowed to communicate with them, I am forced into using email only. If I try and call them they rudely hang up the phone. If I am threatening them, then it must be in writing. Are you able to produce to me any evidence that I have been threatening Comcare? Because I can tell you that I have not.
Police: No, we don’t have any evidence that you have been threatening people. Would you maybe like to take down your blog post? Because they are a bit concerned about it.
Me: No, I would not like to take it down, why should I? You are government censorship police or something?
Police: Well… you used the name of some lady! (Vesna Vasic (Alizzi))
Me: I used the name of a Commonwealth employee as she undertakes her public duties as a public servant. She has no expectation of privacy when doing her job, she works as a servant for the people, and I am breaking no laws to point out wrongdoings that are done by public servants. She also has not made any complaint to me, and so I don’t consider that she is bothered by my post, as if she is, she has not let me know as much. I am not required to take a post down because it upsets some unidentified anonymous alleged Comcare employees from the Statutory Oversight team (who in reality are just Catherine Chan or Liz Bell on their salty agenda against me), or the CEO.
There is a bit more talking about my previous employment and things of this nature, I can’t remember exactly what we were discussing but it was mostly unrelated by this point, just friendly conversation, the police, to their credit, were very professional. They were not rude to me, I think they genuinely just wanted to try and workout what was going on because Comcare were saying I was threatening them, yet clearly could not substantiate me doing so to the police. The impression I got was that the police themselves were confused as to why they were visiting me, as they were asking me if I was threatening Comcare instead of telling me that I was. I simply said the truth, which is I am not threatening anyone, and then they left after establishing that I am not a threat to anyone. Which is true, I have said it a hundred times and I will say it again, I threaten nobody. I write words of truth in my posts, but I do not make any threats. If you do not like the truth, or something I am saying about you in my posts is upsetting for you, then why don't you go and repent to Jesus for your sins or something constructive like this? Sending the police to my house in an attempt to censor me simply because the truth is inconvenient for you is 100% an abuse of power, and just wrong. The police are not a tool to be used like this by upset Comcare staff because they got hurt feelings.
On that note, if somebody writes a post about me and it hurts my feelings, can I call ACT policing and send them around to that persons home to try get them to remove the post from the internet as well? Or is this a special thought police service that ACT policing provides to government employees only? Does it seem right or fair for this to occur? No sorry, I do not think so.
Again, I dead set have no issues with the actual police that attended my home. They seemed like fair and reasonable blokes, they are welcome around for a chat any time they like (or obviously if I have done something wrong they will come and arrest me, permission irrelevant), I just need to secure my dog first is all. My issue here is with Comcare wasting both mine and the police’s time for what? For vexatious allegations they are making to the police because some people at Comcare have hurt feelings. Do they truly think it is appropriate for them to use the police as a tool to try and intimidate me into censorship? Using the police to try and get me to take things down from the internet?
The behaviour by Comcare just makes me want to write more posts... you want to send the police to my home to try and intimidate me into silence? No sorry, you are doing the wrong thing, and I am doing the right thing. I am not doing anything wrong to speak the truth. But you are doing the wrong thing to abuse your power and use police to try censor me because you are upset about something I wrote. Who is doing the wrong thing here? Is it me simply writing some truths? Or is it Comcare using the police for an improper purpose (and lying about me to get the police to do what they wanted). It is 100% entirely Comcare in the wrong here, and anyone who abuses their authority like this should not be working for the Commonwealth. You do not work for the people, you are abusing your role to work for yourself, you are a disgrace, you people make me sick when you think it is normal to treat the police like your own personal slaves that run around censoring the internet because you have hurt feelings.
What happens if the police are wasting time establishing that nothing happened here at my home, and that I am threatening nobody, yet elsewhere someone gets stabbed or shot and the police are unable to attend in time and the victim dies? These Comcare employees are so self-important that they are prioritising their hurt feelings over the safety of our community. The people of the ACT don't deserve our policing resources sent out on house visits made on the basis of vexatious allegations, simply because Catherine Chan feels upset today. Someone could literally have died because Catherine Chan or Greg Vines or whoever it actually was, couldn't deal with their own hurt feelings that day. How can anyone consider this to be behaviour that is proper by Commonwealth employees? This is a mystery to me. I would think that if these people ring up and say to police I am making threats, they have an onus/burden to substantiate such an allegation. That is my thoughts about it. If they are unable to substantiate it, then they should be labelled as vexatious and stripped of their Commonwealth employment because they are inappropriate for the role if they abuse public resources for their own personal agendas like this. Where is the threat that justified sending the police to my home? It does not exist, I have never made any threats, these people seem afraid of their own shadows, they have such guilty consciences that they are inventing in their own mind false situations where I am threatening them.