Comcare doesn't have a functioning reception desk at its registered office, and public access is completely cut off
Turns out that despite listing a reception area on its website, Comcare does not have a reception area any more. It seems that Comcare is treating people so badly that they are afraid to post an officer to a reception desk.

Comcare has stated, and this is a word for word transcript of a conversation I had with a receptionist (with which I have a recording), trying to serve them with a court notice: "Yeah we don't have any uh... um... public facing reception, any more, in the building, so yeah".
On its website Comcare states that it has a reception accessible off Childers Street, turns out that is false/stale information. There exists no reception area, I have been informed it has been abolished, I have attended, and I confirm it does not exist as a reception area accessible to the public.
One then has to wonder, what has these people so afraid that they cannot man an officer at a reception desk? The ATO has staff at reception desks. Centrelink has publicly accessible branches, which I imagine includes staff at reception desks, I can give you a big long list of government departments who all have reception areas/desks, but suddenly, Comcare has abolished its reception areas? Why do you think that is?
I think it is because Comcare knows it is breaking the law, I know for a fact (because a few of you have reached out to me) that I am not alone in this observation, and Comcare staff have the ultimate guilty conscience.
Comcare staff walk around afraid of their own shadows, largely because they have a guilty conscience. I don't think there is any other conclusion to draw from this, because the ATO tells people they need to pay big amounts of tax in retrospect, and they don't hide all their staff in their office and refuse to accept court notices, why? Because they are following the law, and thus have no reason to be afraid. Same goes with Centrelink, I am sure they cut people off all the time, but they are not afraid, why? Because they know they are following the law and their conscience is clear. Even throughout all the robodebt shenanigans, when just like Comcare, DHS was not following the law, they didn't panic and close their reception areas! But Comcare staff, they know they are breaking the law, and they fear that a member of the public will clap back at them, so they are all in hiding as a result of their guilty consciences. This is the only explanation for it.
Truly! That is how paranoid they are!

What was the point for the taxpayer to pay $9 million (back in ~2012) to have a fit-out which includes this lovely reception area, if Comcare is too afraid to use it?
Good luck if our country ever has to go to war! What an absolute joke our government is! It is too scared to put a bloke (or lass) on a reception desk to collect court notices, legal documents and conduct other basic logistical affairs! Our government is genuinely staffed by people who are afraid of their own shadows, and if you want to confirm it for yourself, just head to your local Comcare office and try access a reception area, you can't, at least not at Comcare's headquarters in Canberra ACT, I have confirmed this to be a fact, and they have stated to me that their reception areas are abolished.
Also check this out! Comcare is so cooked that they classed figurines that anyone from the public can see on display, and purchase from EB Games/ZiNG, as a "psychological hazard". It is clear that there is something wrong with these people...
Update 10/3/24
Turns out the taxpayer is paying for a security guard to sit at the reception desk despite the reception desk not being accessible to the public... go figure. I attended Comcare for a meeting and I saw the security guard sitting behind the reception desk. So even with a security guard, Comcare staff are still afraid, figures, they are truly horrible people.