The curious case of the missing email, and the fishing expedition
Comcare has great difficulty finding and supplying one single email, and is currently conducting a taxpayer funded fishing expedition.
On the 3rd November 2023, I requested from Comcare, under Section 59 (S59) of the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988, 1 single email, and the attachment it contains.
Here we are 2.5 months later, and Comcare has not only refused to acknowledge my S59 request, they have supplied nothing. How can it be this difficult just to give me 1 email? The email definitely exists, it's not a case where they have nothing to produce.
This is the usual type of corruption that I face from Comcare. They don't want me to get that email because they know it will incriminate them, and so given there is no time limit for them to release documents under S59, they just sit on the request indefinitely.
How is this appropriate behaviour from Commonwealth employees?
Having emailed Comcare originally on 3/11/23, 18/12/23 for a follow-up, and then 3/1/24 for another follow-up, with each of these emails being ignored, I emailed again on 22/1/24 and I referred to this blog post. I also included (CC'd) 2 Senators in my email, and I have finally received this email requested under S59 on 24/1/24.
As suspected, this email is incriminating for them as it shows them, in July 2023, going fishing for information as far back as 2021, in an attempt to try and reverse their determinations (I suspect). This is obviously why they did not want me to see this email. I learned in October 2023 that Comcare were issuing these notices without my knowledge or consent, thanks to a different doctor who alerted me he had received such a notice. It is clear to everyone who has knowledge about this, that Comcare is on a fishing expedition.

Given that Comcare has made determinations and payments up to November 2023, the question must be asked, why does Comcare want to go back into 2021 for information? The answer can only be that they are trying to go fishing in the past for information they can use to reverse the determinations they have made. I have hurt the feelings of Comcare CEO Greg Vines, along with employees Catherine Chan and Liz Bell, and from what it seems to me, these people are colluding (with the blessings of the CEO) and orchestrating a fishing expedition to try and find whatever information they can use to reverse Comcare's previous decisions.
This is just wrong. Comcare has made decisions based on the information it felt it needed, and therefore obtained at the time, and it should stick with its decisions. If I said lies, or I provided fraudulent information or anything like this, then of course, it would make sense to go back and revisit the decisions that were made based on false information. If new information is made known to Comcare, then they may have to revise a decision based on that new information. But for what reason is there to deliberately (and so desperately, behind my back) go fishing for historical information after they have already made their decisions? There is no normal reason to do this. Comcare staff are, and should not be, setting out on fishing trips to try and fish for historical information that they can use, to try and twist the situation differently, and alter the decisions that have already been made, because I upset their feelings. It is inappropriate to allow staff with personal agendas to abuse their Commonwealth position like this.
Why doesn't Comcare get the information before it makes a decision... and makes a decision with that information, instead of making a decision and then spending the next, however many years, on a taxpayer funded adventure trying to go fishing for information to claw the money back... This is not a sensible modus operandi.
It is clear as day what is occurring here, and Comcare still forces everything to do with my claim to be vetted by Catherine Chan (or her boss Liz Bell), it is a massive conflict of interest, they know what they are doing is wrong, which is why they are hiding their identity as they do it, to try and escape culpability. If they were acting honestly and doing the right thing, they'd just say straight up what they were doing and use their identity while doing it. But no, they are using aliases and lies to go on a fishing expedition because I upset them, that's all about it. This is not proper Commonwealth employee behaviour, this is Commonwealth employees being paid from the public purse, to go on a fishing trip against me, because I upset them with some swear words or telling them to learn English or something like this.
Yet again I will make complaint to these people (and ask questions), I am forced to complain to Catherine Chan and/or Liz Bell (the Statutory Oversight team), my emails get diverted to them no mater who I email, but still I email many recipients for posterity, because then it is on them if the true recipients that should receive the email do not, and people behaving corruptly sit on the emails without forwarding them on. I expect I will either be ignored, or in 30ish days I will get some nonsensical response and then ignored forever more. This system is a joke, the people who work in it are disgusting, and the government is disgusting for allowing this to occur.

How am I ever supposed to trust these people? It is clear that they have entirely bad intentions.