Frank and Fear[less]
This is not part 2, this is a reflection of the behaviour I am observing since the release of part 1.
![Frank and Fear[less]](/content/images/size/w1200/2024/08/FandF-1.png)
The Australian Public Service (APS) is a workforce of employees who execute the administrative functions for their Australian Government Minister. For example, if you work for the Department of Home Affairs, you work for the Minister of Home Affairs who is currently Tony Burke, thus you are considered an Australian Government employee.
As an APS employee one of your duties is to provide "frank and fearless" advice to the Minister whom you serve.
Well as you may have seen, I recently disseminated a story of truth onto a number of platforms including LinkedIn. In doing so, I have had accounts reported and taken down, accounts frozen, I have been blocked, had comments deleted, all of these things.
Now I don't mind it, to me the desperate attempts to silence me are hilarious, I can make an account a second, it doesn't worry me too much, just rinse and repeat, I can roll IP addresses through proxies, I can spoof user agents, device UUIDs, I can outsource CAPTCHA solving, and I think very soon if not already AI is going to solve CAPTCHAs for us. I can write code to do what I want, I can do whatever I need to do to get around attempts to silence me, in fact it's a game to me I enjoy the challenge.
I continue to spread my campaign of awareness until someone finally takes notice. You maybe think that you can block and hide my story of truth out of existence? But I am telling you that you cannot, best case you can silence it for a few hours/days until it returns, I am a phoenix, and not the kind that liquidates a company and starts up anew to avoid liabilities...
I feel compelled to write this post because what I am witnessing I do not believe to be acceptable behaviour by APS employees.
After posting my story of truth on LinkedIn, Rob Heferen the current Commissioner of Taxation (or someone operating his account on his behalf) seems to have shit the gear and fled from LinkedIn! His account is gone, it gives you a HTTP 404 not found if you try and look at his LinkedIn page, check it out for yourself!

What is "fearless" about someone who seemingly flees as soon as they see a story of truth that they do not like? Frankly, that ain't fearless!
And it is happening across the ATO at large! A number of ATO staff blocked the initial account that shared the story, preferring instead to put their head in the sand I guess? "If I don't see it then I don't have to deal with it" well if you are blocking me then clearly you saw it... so you're just being dishonest with yourself, your colleagues, and the people of Australia if you dead set believe that blocking me means you can ignore the truth.
The worst part about this is I have directly shared my story to tens, if not a hundred different ATO executives. I have emailed the ATO, I have emailed the "Working Well" team at the ATO (although I'd suggest it's not working well if Nardine McLoughlin is in charge of it), Rob Heferen etc. and not a single ATO executive has said something like "Thank you for providing this information, I will make sure it goes to the relevant team for investigation.". In fact they all say nothing, just ignore it completely... is that normal?
That is all they have to say. I do not expect ATO employees to automatically assume it is true, I do not expect them to take sides or anything like this, I expect them to take this information I present to them and assure me that it will be acted upon, and instead they are fleeing in droves! This is not frank and fearless! This is "holy cow I don't want to get involved in that because it might blow up on me so I will just ignore it and hope it goes away!". I truly believe that all the ATO executives that I contacted are more worried about self preservation than they are making sure my story of truth is investigated for what it is! Not a single executive has even acknowledged it!
From where I sit I do not see frank and fearless people, I see hundreds of cowardly people who want to hide from and ignore my story of truth because they feel it is better for them to do so... and I think that is disgusting. I think we as a country deserve better than this disgusting people, they clearly don't have any integrity, all they care about is stabbing each other in the back to make their way up the corporate ladder, hiding all inconvenient truths along the way, it is truly this, DISGUSTING!
And it is dumb for them because if they acknowledge my story of truth instead of trying to supress it, do I need to keep repeating myself about it? No I do not... If they had of acknowledged my story when I first posted it, then ok, I would not have needed to repost it and this post that I am writing now would not even exist. But instead they chose the cowardly action of trying to suppress the truth and ignore it for their own benefit, well, I will not be silenced I assure you of this. So by all means continue trying to suppress the truth and see what good that does for you. Or, work with me to hold the perpetrator/s in my story of truth accountable for their wrongdoing, you decide what you want to do.
I know what I would do and this is likely why I have more integrity than any ATO senior executive, they bring shame to us as a country. If their first instinct when presented with some inconvenient truth is to flee, instead of acknowledge it and say they will look into it, we are so far gone as a country. Perhaps Nardine is a friend of theirs so they don't want to hold their friend accountable for her wrongdoing? They will just make excuses for her behaviour, cover it up, but it is inexcusable.
If you are going to accuse someone of sexual harassment you make sure you get a complaint in writing first, and you put that complaint/allegation to the person you are alleging did the sexual harassment. You do not make a baseless allegation and then walk it back when you are unable to substantiate it. Ok to say that the allegation was disproven, but to completely throw out the allegation and fail to provide any basis/justification for making that allegation in the first place, that is completely wrong.
How will Rob Heferen like it if I go to his wife and I allege that he stuffs carrots up his bum all day on his lunch break? And then when I get questioned about the evidence I have to suggest such an allegation, I turn around and be like "oh actually I'm refining my complaint now, he actually eats the carrots, he doesn't stuff them up his bum...". Is it ok for me to run around and say that Rob Heferen might be sticking carrots up his bum when I have absolutely nothing to substantiate such an allegation? Of course not, but this is the behaviour exhibited by Nardine McLoughlin. It is well documented, I present it as established fact.
So why does Nardine McLoughlin get promoted to an Assistant Commissioner after exhibiting this behaviour? Because the ATO is completely cooked, that is why, and Rob Heferen is too busy fleeing from the truth it seems because it will be inconvenient for them to hold the perpetrator/s accountable.
I present the truth and they flee, clam up, desperately try and supress it. Frank and fearless nary a single one of them.
Nardine also fled from LinkedIn, but this is unsurprising, this is serious allegation that I am making, she obviously has an interest in hiding from it and I cannot fault her for that, she doesn't want you to know what she gets up to and neither would I if I was her... But literally every other ATO executive, hang your head in shame you dogs, in fact the cover up might even be worse than the crime! The behaviour I observe is nothing short of deplorable...
What country in the world can hold its head up high when the Commissioner of Taxation dead set flees from the internet because one person writes one post on the internet that he does not like... That's an indication of a strong Government is it? FKN LOL! Who is choosing these weak people to run the Government? Seriously... when your automatic reaction to something you don't like is to delete yourself from the internet... yea ok... 100% totally normal Government department head behaviour...
What a joke our country has become, and its our own fault for allowing these toxic/putrid humans to "lead" us. How much longer do we tolerate it? Fear less Robert.