Radio silence, did you notice? Comcare didn't!
You may have noticed I have been quiet lately, not really posting any articles, there is a reason for it.
Comcare is in some kind of weird competition with me surrounding who is the biggest victim.
They are claiming that my posts are threatening and stuff like that and they are acting like the biggest victims on planet earth. So I decided to stop writing posts for a while and see if Comcare staff become less victims and more professionals who do their actual job, but it has not really happened I'm afraid to say.
I also reworded some content to be less of an affront to their egos, so for example I'm no longer saying that Comcare hires possible sex offenders in the title of my posts, but of course it remains entirely possible that Comcare is hiring sex offenders and their behaviour regarding consent certainly makes it seem more likely than not.
I have been giving Comcare an opportunity to redeem itself ever since the Court affirmed that Brett Moyes broke the law when managing my claim.
I am still waiting for my apology from Comcare for breaking the law when managing my claim. Brett Moyes illegally suspended my claim therefore Comcare should apologise to me for the lawbreaking and make amends, it has not.
I am still waiting for an apology from Brett Moyes and one other delegate hiding their identity (probably Lisa Watt) where they sought information from my doctors using a form I signed in 2019 and had revoked in writing in July 2023 at least.

I am still waiting for my apology from when Greg Vines sent the police to my house claiming I had threatened Comcare staff, only for Comcare to be educated by the police about what a threat is, and told that in fact I had threatened nobody.
I am still waiting for an apology for Greg Vines threatening to send my emails to the eSafety Commissioner in breach of my privacy, an agency whose legislation can only deal with "serious harm" for adults and therefore has absolutely no remit to act on his his complaint. It would appear that Greg Vines violated my privacy rights due to his own ignorance of what the eSafety Commissioner can and cannot do. eSafety is for revenge porn, or people who are getting hassled into killing themselves and things of this nature. eSafety does not conduct enforcement activities simply because Greg Vines has hurt feelings, it was strange for him to threaten me with the eSafety Commissioner, what an ignoramus.
I am still waiting for an apology from Catherine Chan who kept telling me that I was wrong and there was no tax error made in my payments, only for me to now be told 8 months later that actually I was correct, and not only that, there is an issue with even more financial years than just the one I identified! Catherine Chan offered me $1,000 of taxpayer funds to go and see an accountant because she was adamant there was no issue, but turns out she was completely wrong, and that would have been a waste of taxpayer funds. She shouldn't just be apologising to me, she should be apologising to all taxpayers for attempting to misuse their funds. Good thing I did not take her up on her offer, I knew there was no point to milk the public purse for an accountant unnecessarily, I knew an accountant couldn't fix Comcare tax errors for them. I knew there was a tax error and Catherine Chan (and likely Elizabeth Caitlin Bell) was just too ignorant to understand it, I knew this to be true and it is now verified in writing to be a fact.
In July 2023 I alerted Comcare to an error they made with regards to the financial year they had attributed some payments to, and this is what Catherine Chan had to say to me in August 2023

And this is part of what I received in March 2024

And by the way, has Comcare reported to the ATO that they have made a mistake? Nope, they are still trying sweep it under the rug, and by the way this is likely a systemic issue which is going to affect all Comcare claimants who receive a payment split across multiple financial years.
Catherine Chan is 100% useless, I have shown you the proof, it is established as a fact. If you tell me that I am wrong and there is no tax issue, and then 8 months later Comcare is telling me that actually I am right, it can only be said that you are useless Catherine Chan. You can play the victim as much as you want but who is the true victim here? I can't even get an accurate payment summary. I have Comcare consistently pretending like there is no issue because Catherine Chan is not intelligent enough to understand what I am saying (or perhaps doesn't understand English completely?) and then you turn around and claim to be a massive victim because I get frustrated about your incompetence?
Of course Hell will freeze over before I receive an apology from these people. Notice in the letter they apologise for the delay, and that's the only thing they apologise for. They do not apologise for stuffing my reported tax up, they do not apologise for continually telling me I was wrong and sweeping my issue under the rug. Their egos will not allow it. They only apologise that it took them 8+ months to identify it and report it to me, and I only got an admission from them because I submitted an FOI to Comcare and I learned in November 2023 they had produced a letter to send to me regarding this tax issue, but it was never sent to me...

We can see that in November 2023 a letter was created to send to me regarding my tax issues, however I was not alerted that Comcare had even admitted to the tax issue at this point (for all I knew Catherine Chan was still denying the issue existed), and this letter was never sent to me. Only in March 2024 when I received this email in an FOI did I query this letter and receive a response about my tax issue. If I did not see the existence of this letter in the FOI released to me, it is possible that Comcare never admitted the tax issue at all!
I have asked why this letter in November was never sent to me, I have of course received no response from Comcare. Only 5 days later (22 November 2023) my fortnightly Comcare claim was suddenly and mysteriously rejected, so what I suspect occurred is Comcare realised it had made these tax mistakes, and instead of coming clean and owning up, Comcare started rejecting my claims and trying to find ways to stop paying me so they could avoid having to lose face and admit these tax issues. Does this seem like appropriate behaviour for Government employees to you? I can tell you for a fact that this is standard behaviour at Comcare, they are corrupt to the core, no standards, they get everything wrong and then they try desperately to keep it covered up. Even their names they are hiding, they have about 300 people (slight exaggeration) all working on my claim desperately trying to attack me. It's disgusting how many people need to be involved in my claim. How many Comcare delegates to change a light bulb? At least 20.
But instead of apologising and working with me to fix anything, instead they are running around claiming to be massive victims because I write some posts here or sometimes I call them useless at their job etc. Well you call a spade a spade right? if you tell me there is no tax issue, and then 8 months later Comcare is saying yes there is a tax issue, you are useless, true fact from me to you.
Anyway that's all I'm going to discuss today. As I said, I have been trying to not make these posts so I can show that I am willing to work with Comcare to improve the situation, but I do not think their egos will allow them to come to the party as well. They are still continuing on making out like they are massive victims even when I am not making posts. They are still taking questionable actions and generally mismanaging my claim, I believe in retaliation against me because I have to continually point out they are wrong and their feelings are upset about it.
Well let me ask the public this question...
What's worse? Someone stuffing up your tax, or someone who calls you useless?
I'll take being called useless any day of the week. Do you know how annoying it is to have to clean up another person's tax mistakes? Then fight with the ATO because Comcare is telling the ATO that there is no error for the last 8 months? It is frustrating! So who is truly the bigger victim here? Me having all these errors made, people breaking the law when managing my claim, having the police called to my home for threats that do not exist? Or these people getting told they are useless at their job because they are demonstrably useless at their job?
I will abstain from making some posts again for a while and see if Comcare actually wants to apologise and perhaps they can start operating like professionals? probably they won't, it seems like the whole organisation has gone down the can, honestly I think they love my posts because it gives them an excuse to play the victim and they can divert attention away from all the mistakes they are making, it seems truly to be this case, they are engaged in a battle of who is the bigger victim to try and conceal their wrongdoing, it is gross. I cannot believe that Comcare is an Australian Government department, it is a complete joke when they even get basic tax matters wrong and spend 8 months of denial only to finally admit it.
Since when did the Australian Government regress into hiring people who are more interested in what I am doing when their colleagues (or even themselves) are making mistakes and breaking the law? When did we normalise this behaviour in the Australian Government?
Greg Vines is to blame for this, he is a massive hypocrite. He is running around preaching 'psychosocial risks' in the workplace, but in doing so he is giving Comcare employees the greenlight to break the law and do these wrong things and they never face any accountability for it in case their feelings get hurt. That is genuinely what is happening. You can't tell a useless employee that they are being useless because Greg Vines then sides with them and paints you as a perpetrator because you dared to speak the truth, it's fucking disgusting what I see going on, Greg Vines is disgusting.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think people in the workplace should be bullying each other and things like that, but I do not work for Comcare. I am not in Comcare's workplace, I am in fact a customer, and if you piss in a customer's pie, you can't get mad when the customer throws the pie back at you... Comcare is breaking the law and making tax issues and other problems and then playing the mega victim when I say "you are literally useless at your job". Why shoot the messenger of truth for the truth you don't like? It's not a 'psychosocial hazard' to be told the truth, it's called being accountable for your mistakes, something it seems Greg Vines wouldn't know anything about.
I'll leave you with that food for thought, me, I have no time for Government employees who are straight up ignorant of the law and their responsibilities. They can cry as hard as they like, I have no sympathy for them, zero, they are lawbreaking scum.