Vesna Vasic (Alizzi) — The Potential Government Offender? & the Taxpayer Funded Legal Threat
Take note of this face, this is potentially the face of a government offender, I will expand on why I think Vesna could be the offender who uses the title “Position No. 01 076” below.

I don’t believe that Commonwealth employees who try to hide their identity and then commit breaches of the law and/or abuses of power in their taxpayer funded roles is going to be a winning strategy for Comcare. I have advised them of this, they do not want to accept my feedback, so here we are.
Comcare employees fear me because they know they are doing the wrong thing, and they fear me making public posts naming and shaming them for their wrongdoing. This is of course silly, because if they were not doing the wrong thing, what incentive would I have to name and shame them? How can I shame someone who is doing their job correctly? There is no shame in doing your job correctly, there is only shame when you are doing it incorrectly. It can only be said here that Comcare employees are doing the wrong thing and hiding their identity, such that they cannot be called out for their abuses of power, or so they think.
I have been receiving many hostile actions from a Comcare delegate who simply refers to themselves as “Position No. 01 076”. Some, if not most, are illegal and made contrary to the law.
From what I can gather, the Statutory Oversight team has been instructing Comcare delegates to operate as untrained covert operatives, concealing their identity by using position numbers in lieu of names, whilst exercising their powers granted by the SRC Act 1988. I actually don’t think it is legal for unidentified persons to make decisions under the SRC Act, as I believe there is an onus on them to prove that they have been delegated the authority to make such decisions? Despite many requests seeking the delegating instrument that gives “Comcare delegate Position No. 01 076” the authority to make decisions as per the SRC Act, I get nothing. For all I know this person is not even delegated at all, and these decisions being made are made by someone without jurisdiction to make them.
One day, I received a letter from Comcare, and it seemed that “Position No. 01 076” was leaking their phone number to me.

As you can see, “Comcare delegate 01 076” graciously extended me the offer to call them should I have any questions. This is very nice of them. I did in fact have some questions, so I rang the phone number as directed. The number rang a few times and then went to a voicemail which had an AI sounding voice saying words like: “Vesna Al-ah-zay is unable to take your call”.
Alright, so I had just ascertained that the phone number appeared to belong to someone named Vesna “Al-ah-zay”, but I did not know how to spell “Al-ah-zay”. In fact, this is the first time I have ever heard this surname in my life. So, to assist me with this, I turned to good ol’ OSINT central, Facebook.
This is entirely information that any member of the public can or could have obtained for themselves. No privacy, as it exists per the Privacy Act 1988, has been breached. If you make information available to the public, you have no expectation as to the privacy of that publicly available information.
Vesna Vasic (Facebook Profile)

By trying a few combinations of how I could spell “Al-ah-zay” in English, Facebook corrected me and near instantly identified the profile of Vesna Vasic Alizzi as linked above. Alizzi is a very unique surname in Australia.
At the time, Vesna still included what I can only assume, at this point, is her maiden (pre-married) name, in her public profile, as it contained both Vasic and Alizzi. But the important thing here is that I learned how to spell “Al-ah-zay” as Alizzi.
You can see everything that someone publicly likes, loves etc. on Facebook, and Vesna loving her own picture (above) on the publicly available Viewbank flowers page was also returned in the search. It appears that Viewbank flowers is a business that may have been ran by one of Vesna’s parents, and it looks to have ceased trading in 2020.
We can check historical whois records and records have a no anonymity requirement. As such, I can see that the domain appears to have been owned by someone named Kathy Sladjana Vasic.

What does this information tell me? This information tells me that Vesna’s mother is very likely to be Kathy Vasic. It also tells me that as such, Vasic is most likely Vesna’s maiden name, and by extension, Alizzi is therefore likely to be Vesna’s married name. I will also say that I think Ms Vasic did a wonderful job with her daughter’s wedding flowers, I’m not a flower person, but they do look really good, very professional, a testament to her craft.

Note that the phone number in the letter is +61396275428, this converts to (03) 9627 5428.

It appears that Vesna also has an Instagram account, here is the publicly available profile of that account at the time I did my research.

Given that Vesna is using a work phone number with an area code of (03) and has a lovely picture of Melbourne CBD in her Facebook profile, has an Instagram account expressing that she is in Melbourne, AU, I think it is a safe assumption that Vesna works in Comcare’s Melbourne office.

If I were truly a hostile, violence threatening individual who was a genuine threat to the health & safety of Comcare staff, well it would be easy for me to camp around this office and perpetrate some sort of assault crime or something on Vesna on her way in or out of the building, if I were so inclined. I am not inclined to do this however, I am a law-abiding citizen and I make no threats to harm any Comcare staff, not ever have I done so, nor would I do so. And of course, it would be counter-productive for me to make this post if my intent were to go on to perpetrate such crimes.
So, I now had what I believed was the correct spelling of Comcare delegate Position No. 01 076’s surname, but how could I confirm this? Easily.
Comcare email addresses are all [email protected], so this means that to confirm if Vesna Alizzi is in fact a Comcare employee, all I need to do is fire off an email to [email protected] and see if I get an NDR (bounce back) message from Comcare’s mail server. If I get a “this mailbox does not exist” NDR, I know that there is no staff member of this name at Comcare.
I whip up a throw away yahoo email account, and I paste the lyrics from the first verse of the song Hello by Adele, into a new email which I fire off to test if Vesna Alizzi is in fact a Comcare employee.

Success! I did not get an NDR from Comcare’s mail server, so I have confirmed that Vesna Alizzi is an employee of Comcare, I believe at this time I have identified the Comcare delegate known as “Position No. 01 076” given that it seems unlikely that a different Comcare delegate would send me a letter using Vesna’s phone number right? What reason would there be for a different Comcare delegate to use Vesna’s phone number in a letter, and tell me to call them if I have any questions? It is not a logical construction. In the balance of probabilities, it is more probable than not, that Vesna sent the letter, as Vesna’s phone number appears twice on the letter.
Alrighty, so now I have established that Vesna appears to be managing my Comcare claim, I proceed to make some email aliases to bypass the Statutory Oversight team’s filtering of my emails, so that I can make contact with Vesna directly. All my emails get filtered and sent directly to Catherine Chan and Liz Bell in the Statutory Oversight team (Assistant Director and Director), so I need to regularly create email aliases to bypass their 1984 Orwellian measures. It is my opinion that Catherine Chan is mega in love with me, to the point where I might have to call the Fixated Persons Unit. I can’t get either of these females out of my life, they are entirely infatuated with me, and it seems impossible to shake them. I am a fan of Asian food however, so if Ms Chan would like to pop over and create a meal for me, I wouldn’t say no, and she’d certainly be making herself useful for a change.
Is Vesna Vasic (Alizzi) Comcare delegate 01 076?
This is the million dollar question I guess. Vesna never responded to my emails, and the phone number always went to voicemail. I never got a proof of life.
One thing that did stand out to me, however, is that Vesna clearly felt compelled to lock down her public profiles. What was compelling Vesna to do so? If Vesna is not 01 076, and Vesna is not doing anything wrong, why doesn’t she just reply stating as such? I’m not suggesting that Vesna did anything wrong to lock down her profile, and I would certainly recommend that everyone do this as a matter of practice, but it is most interesting timing.
Now that Vesna has been identified by me, this is what her profiles look like

When I tell Vesna that I believe she is Comcare delegate 01 076, and I give her a picture of herself, and she runs out and changes her pictures and locks her profile, what is Vesna affirming to me? Vesna is affirming to me that she is a Comcare employee, and these profiles I am posting are in fact hers. And it is possible she feels guilt/shame for her actions and would like to remain hidden. If Vesna did not perform these actions, I would not have been able to have stated with as much confidence that this is definitely the Vesna Alizzi that works at Comcare. Vesna has confirmed to me that this is her, through her own actions.
Is Vesna the Comcare delegate referring to themself as “Position No. 01 076”? I cannot say yes with certainty at this point, but I can say things are looking strongly to that being the case, as I believe I have demonstrated.
What does Comcare say?
You won’t believe this, but once I contacted Vesna and informed her (politely) that I believed that she was 01 076, Comcare started burning through taxpayer money, and engaged an external law firm to make vague legal threats in an attempt to silence me and tell me how I must communicate with Comcare. Comcare has no legal authority to demand I do anything with regards to when, how or whom I must communicate with. Comcare can EAD. They can ask politely, but this is not polite asking, this is legal threatening… GFY.

I have never made threats of physical violence or abuse, or performed threatening behaviour to any Comcare employee, or even a Gallagher Bassett employee for that matter. That has straight up not happened, I don’t threaten anyone. This “Arsehat” law firm is trying to essentially threaten me by telling me they are going to claim I have done something that I simply have not done. In actual fact, it appears that some Comcare staff are saying defamatory things about me, as they appear to have stated this to Ashurst, who else are they making such claims to? I’m quite confident Comcare are saying these lies to the Minister Tony Burke, as he is too frightened to discuss Comcare issues with me. He’s too busy trying to deploy the flag of Palestine around his electorate to win Muslim votes who are the majority of his voter base, in the next election, to care about Comcare. Yea ok, Senator Lambie negotiated an independent inquiry into Comcare, but we all know what that will achieve. Nothing. Real change will come when toxic humans are purged from Comcare, and replaced with genuinely decent people, and only when that occurs.
Online stalking? What online stalking? Searching Facebook and Instagram is online stalking, is it? Then I’d suggest a lot of Australians are going to gaol. Do the police want to come and kick down my door because I searched the name of someone on social media? I find it hard to believe that they are being serious.
The remaining ones? Well, I don’t know? I mean sometimes I do tell the occasional misbehaving Comcare employee that they are being dumb, or that they are dumb. I might use the occasional swear word, sure, who doesn’t when they are literally getting pumped by power abusing Commonwealth employees who keep making errors? You get frustrated and it can happen, for sure. It was definitely worse when Gallagher Bassett was managing my claim, but that hasn’t been the case since the start of October, and also, Gallagher Bassett employees are not Comcare employees, that also needs to be said.
I did tell Catherine Chan that she needs to take English lessons because it was clear to me that she did not understand what I was saying, it is true that I said this. I agree absolutely and wholeheartedly that sometimes in my emails, I have become frustrated and rude. I admit this has happened. But I don’t think it is behaviour that could be considered extreme enough to fit these allegations? Let alone result in an expensive and baseless legal threat? What a waste of money. And you’ll note that they conveniently do not provide even one single example of the behaviour they are alleging. This is because it does not exist, it did not happen. I have also never received any sort of warning from Comcare regarding any behaviour. I would assume if I were behaving in this manner as alleged, Comcare would warn me before paying for a lawyer? No such warning exists.
As a result of that one single email, Catherine Chan combined with Liz Bell (her boss), both abused their power and blocked me from being able to communicate with the entire department of Comcare, by both phone and email, for a whole month! just because I said that. This is clearly an abuse of power, you can’t block one person from communicating with an entire Government department because I sent one email, and one person got their feelings hurt! This is not a proportionate response, and is therefore an abuse of power, it is as simple as that. But Comcare allows these abuses of power to be swept under the rug.
Oh, and let me tell you this, they sent that cease and desist in a plain A4 envelope by registered mail, it had no details of the sender on it. Somehow, my girlfriend was allowed to sign for it (Comcare can check, it’s a digital signature and the postie has a record of signatures) and she brought it inside. I wasn’t expecting anything, and I told her to open it. I wish I didn’t tell her to open it, it shook her, she started screaming at me because she read the allegations on the front page that I had threatened Comcare staff etc, and she was really upset. So, this law firm has sent defamatory/false allegations about me and caused my girlfriend to lose her shit at me as a result. It took me hours of convincing her that I didn’t do the things that they were alleging. Really, I should be suing Comcare for such libel I reckon, make them produce these threats because I am telling you they do not exist, and I am more than happy to go to court and defend myself.
Also, I have never told Comcare about any posts made on Twitter. I wouldn’t call it Twitter, I would call it X, and I haven’t told them about any posts on X either, so I can only assume that Comcare has me under surveillance, NICE!
Comcare didn’t know they were sending letters with Vesna’s phone number.
I received this email from Comcare a few weeks after the cease and desist letter (the legal threat).

It seems that Comcare had no idea that Vesna (or someone else?) was sending me letters with Vesna’s phone number. I proceeded to tell Comcare that I had been receiving letters with this phone number, and could Comcare please let me know how or why a Comcare employee would send a letter using the phone number of a different Comcare employee?
As per usual, Comcare just ignored me. Any time I point out to Comcare that something is not right, they just go silent. This was no exception.
I actually had to tell Comcare that unless they explain to me why I am getting letters with Vesna’s phone number, yet Comcare states Vesna has nothing to do with my claim, then I would be making this post. And do you know what these 2-bit puppets had to say in response? It was an unsatisfactory response in my view, designed to shift the blame onto me for calling the number that they gave me to call. Also, simply saying something is a “system error” is a cop out. Explain to me clearly what happened, not just give me what, on the face of it, appears to be an excuse.

Before I begin my response to this email, I will point out here that you can see the Statutory Oversight team were well aware of my intention to make this post, and instead of wishing to de-escalate the situation and work with me to bring this situation to a resolve, they decided to blame me for their failures. Vesna, I’d suggest you take note of this. The Statutory Oversight team has thrown you under the bus for their stubbornness and/or incompetence.
A system error? Comcare has a system that is putting a different employee’s phone numbers on letters that it is sending out? This doesn’t seem right? I am a Software Engineer, and I think this is a lie. If the system were truly sending out the wrong phone number in letters, this bug would have been picked up and remedied really quickly because it would be a trivial fix. No, I think this is a Vesna error.
As for “You did not seek clarification or confirmation as to whether Vesna was your Claims Manager” are these people dumb or what? That itself is a dumb question by me. They have stated “You continued to contact her both via the phone and directly to her work email address” and what do they think I was doing when I was contacting her? Asking how the weather was in Melbourne? I was informing her that I knew she was my claim manger, and I was sending her all the documents and things about my claim so that she could action it instead of it having to go through the fixated persons in the Statutory Oversight team first! And they get upset because if I use an email alias, my email doesn’t get sent to them first and they miss out on the opportunity to sit on them for a few weeks, doing who knows what with my emails for a few weeks [use of imagination here], until they decide to forward them on some weeks later, if at all.
Vesna never replied, not one single time. At any time Vesna (or anyone at Comcare) could have said “Vesna is not your claim manager” but they didn’t until after they sent me the legal threat and I didn’t stop contacting Vesna regarding my claim. Why? Why didn’t Vesna just reply and say “I’m not your claim manager”… I believe that is because Vesna is my claim manager. I suspect that “Position No. 01 076” is Vesna Vasic (Alizzi) and Comcare are trying to say she is not for “Health and Safety” reasons. Vesna stuffed up and leaked her phone number, and Comcare is trying to throw shade on me as a result, but this is their error not mine.

Apparently unmasking Comcare delegates who are hiding their identity is “harassment and intimidation” how so? I’m not harassing or intimidating anyone. I have simply provided some truths, most of it is stuff that Vesna herself appears to have publicly posted on the internet. Where is the harassment or intimidation? I’m not saying rude things about Vesna… I’m not making any threats to Vesna… it’s just not a thing that is happening, maybe in the minds of the Statutory Oversight team it is happening?
Comcare is of the belief that me holding Comcare delegates accountable for abusing their power is upsetting to Comcare staff, well I should think it is? If you abuse your authority, you should be getting sacked. And if you are doing nothing wrong then what would I have to write about in a post? The only reason Comcare employees are afraid is that they know they are doing the wrong thing, and they live in fear that I am going to call out their wrongdoing. And I tell you what, if you are a Comcare employee doing the wrong thing, you absolutely should fear me, because I am going to continue to call out government offenders, you will not scare me from speaking the truth. Of course, you would want to keep your identity secret when you are committing law breaking and/or abusing the authority delegated to you.
I’ll say it again, if Comcare has a strategy of behaving poorly and trying to keep your employees’ identities a secret as they conduct themselves in atrocious behaviours against the people, then this is what you get. I don’t think you are deploying a winning strategy here.
Here is another example of an identity fail, Comcare were sending out letters addressed from a team, yet they were stamping their names into the author field of the PDF metadata. Australia’s finest at work here… and they dead set have the nerve to blame me! They keep failing over and over and over and their response to their failures is to push against me harder. This is how I know who are orchestrating their personal agenda against me and abusing the public purse in doing so.

I still can’t even confirm if 01 076 is an actual person who has been delegated authority under the SRC Act. Just because the Statutory Oversight team says they are, does that make it so? Definitely not, that team lies every other day, they are a team of liars, so I cannot trust a single word they say.
Also, can you not see a problem with person unknown providing assurance that person unknown has the required delegation/authority? What an absolute farce! What is the point of having S73B notices if they remain secret? Who is the intended audience of an S73B notice if it is not the public?

What Comcare should do
It’s pretty easy really, stop trying to operate covertly, and instead just treat claimants fairly and nicely… it’s really not hard. It’s Comcare’s own actions of concealing their identity and behaving poorly to try and escape accountability that are just going to lead to more and more posts like this one. No number of legal threats paid for by the public purse is going to deter me, do I appear deterred? I can tell you I’m not. Opposite in fact, your legal threat just confirms to me that your desperate attempts to silence me are an indication that I’m on the right course of action here.
And I’ll add that as Comcare have stated: “Comcare reserves its right to take such legal action as it may be advised to protect its and its workers’ interests, including commencing proceedings against you without further notice” well please do, you haven’t even stated what “such legal action” is (thus it being a vague threat), but I know that I have never threatened any of your staff or anything like this, and I look forward to going to court and proving you wrong, at great expense to the taxpayer mind you. I’m going to counter sue for the distress you caused my girlfriend and I with your false allegations. Please make good on your threat.
I have actually emailed Comcare multiple times and said, “I am extending an olive branch and would like to improve relations between us” and every single time I am ignored. Why ignore me? I literally told you I was going to make this post and you still didn’t want to improve things with me, so you will lie in the bed you are making I guess, and more is going to come. I am not breaking the law here, nothing in this post is illegal, I am simply providing some truths, along with publicly available pictures, none of this is illegal, and you can cry about it until you are blue in the face.
I’ll let you know before you start assaulting the public purse again, there is no point sending me demanding legal take down notices, or trying to threaten me into silence, this post is not coming down, don’t even attempt to ask me, just accept that the answer is this:

I think that it is only fair to say that:
- Liz Bell (Director of Statutory Oversight)
- Catherine Chan (Assistant Director of Statutory Oversight)
Appear to be causing all the problems here. If Comcare staff are feeling “stress and anxiety” as stated in the legal threat sent to me, I would suggest that it is because of the agendas of these two people, who are in turn seeing things like this post be created. These people are the ones who put communication blockers between Comcare and myself, and they seem to lose my emails in which I ask important questions (I just get no response) and they make everything take a long time. These two offenders have it in for me big time, and they are abusing their authority to harass me via frustrations that they impose on my Comcare claim. They are not good people. Comcare would do well to get rid of toxic people like these two. And I would suggest that if Comcare gets rid of these two people, gives me a claim manager who uses their name and can actually communicate with me as a person, then things will improve significantly for both of us.
I honestly believe that a clean out of the Statutory Oversight team (and its various sub teams like Privacy, FOI, etc), the Complaints & Feedback team, and some of the Claim Management teams, is needed to restore Comcare from the toxic cesspit that it has become. Make no mistake about it, Comcare is a cesspit comprised (mostly, by my observations) of low-quality humans abusing the small amount of power that is given to them. This seems like it is rude and harsh what I am saying, but it is entirely factual. Prove me wrong! You can’t. I have half a Tasmanian rain forest worth of dumb shit done by Comcare documented.
I have quite a list of names of various offenders that exist or have existed at Comcare over the years.
What Vesna should do
Vesna, you’ll notice I haven’t delved into the wrongdoings by “Position No. 01 076” yet, and that is purposeful. I am within my rights to speak the truth, just because you may want to hide your identity, does not allow you to perpetrate injustice without accountability.
My next post, which is admittedly a while off yet because I have 100 more pressing things to do, is going to be the law breaking and abuse of power that I allege is being perpetrated by 01 076. As you’ll probably know, this is going to be a lengthy post.
If you are genuinely not Comcare delegate 01 076, then you can contact me and let me know yourself. If Comcare won’t let you, then you should sue Comcare IMO. Comcare were well aware this post was going to be made, and they are claiming that it harasses and intimidates you (oddly before the post even existed). They made no attempts to try and answer my question properly and de-escalate the situation. It seems to me like the Statutory Oversight team are more than happy to use you as collateral, in my view, they were pushing for this post to be made because they gave me the most pathetic of responses and tried to gaslight me as if it is my fault that I rang the phone number on the letter Comcare sent to me! Why is Comcare making out like I am a perpetrator for ringing the phone number on the letter that Comcare sent to me? I’m not a perpetrator, I’m just someone who wants my claim to be managed fairly, and in accordance with the law, without biased people intervening and abusing their authority to harass me, as I am stating is occurring.
If I am sent a letter with your phone number, and it says “for further information … please contact me on [phone number]” do you think it is fair to paint a picture of me as a perpetrator for following the instructions in the letter you sent me? Why send me a letter with a phone number and tell me I can contact you on that number if Comcare is going to get upset about it when I contact you on that number? Does this seem normal to you? This is an example of the problems that we face with Comcare, they cause significant frustrations, and nobody is listening. I speak for many, not just myself. We are mischaracterised as perpetrators by a few bad actors’ resident within Comcare, abusing their authority, and everybody at Comcare, including yourself Vesna, the CEO Greg Vines, and the General Manager Chloë Eaton, all wipe their hands of it and refuse to listen. You let me know when you are ready to start listening to what I am saying.
There is nothing harassing or intimidating in this post, it is an opinion based on my own research combined with facts. If posting publicly available truths, or truths about my situation which I have gone to great length to substantiate, is harassment or intimidation, well I don’t know how it can be, because what you would be admitting is that the truth is intimidating, and why would you be intimidated by the truth? If you are intimidated by the truth then I’d suggest you know that the truth proves you are doing the wrong thing, and that is why Comcare is so desperate to silence me.
What have I said here? This is Vesna Alizzi (F.K.A Vasic). Here are some publicly available pictures of what Vesna looks like, Vesna appears to work for Comcare in the Melbourne Office. Vesna claims to have 2 children, and she seems to be posting pictures of her children publicly on the internet, a practice that I would not recommend anyone to do. So, I’m giving you some advice here as well Vesna. You can buy me a coffee or something to thank me some time. Someone who may be Vesna’s mother, Kathy, appears to have run a florist that is no longer trading, and Kathy appears to be really good with arranging flowers. I believe it is quite likely that Vesna is the Comcare delegate calling themselves “Position No. 01 076”, and I have stated my reasons for this belief. Where is the harassment or intimidation in these facts? They do not exist. If you are intimidated by these publicly available facts, I believe that it is your own guilty conscience that is causing so.
Also, I see it exactly like this:
- If Vesna Vasic (Alizzi) is genuinely not Comcare delegate Position No. 01 076; and
- Comcare is so worried about me being a detriment to the health and safety of its employees, that they are sending me cease and desist letters, and telling employees to hide their identity from me, then it must be said that I’m a pretty egregious offender, right? (LEL)
Then Comcare appear to have thrown you under the bus here Vesna. If I am as egregious of a perpetrator as Comcare claims, and they are sending me letters with your phone number on them, then the theory here is that Comcare is putting your health and safety at risk and you could sue them for doing so, right?
And I tell you what Vesna, if you do sue Comcare, I’ll come to court as a witness in your defence against Comcare. If you are genuinely not 01 076, please sue Comcare for them leaking your identity and portraying you to be 01 076, because according to Comcare, I could pop out of a dark alley and assault you right? So, it would seem that by Comcare’s own admission they have put you in grave danger and you could sue them for doing so.
But I believe you are 01 076, I believe that Comcare are just lying to cover for you, and I have provided the findings used to form my belief.
I assure you there is no threat from me, I’m not going to hurt you or anything like this, but if you feel unsafe, you should contact VICPOL, and with any luck they won’t start shooting you with rubber bullets or tear gassing you.
Where the fuck is Greg Vines, Comcare CEO?
Nobody knows.
Sitting in some golden throne somewhere awaiting retirement I would suggest. He seems to be allowing such nonsense behaviour to occur at Comcare with impunity. I have tried to alert him but cannot get proof of life since August 2023. I think he might be dead? He might as well be, lol.